in category:

Entase allows you to make sales at a cash-desk provided that the event is in On Sale or Closed Sale status.

Blocking and unblocking of places in the form of reserve/reservation can be done for events in Upcoming, On Sale or Closed Sale status.

Learn more about Event Statuses.

Cashier sale

  1. Make sure you are logged into your Entase account.
  2. Your public profile name is written in the upper left corner.
  3. Under it, in the Control Panel section, select Program.
  4. To sell seats, select the button on the right to enter the Cash-desk Sale mode.
  5. Select with the mouse the place that is selected for sale. Select consecutively as many seats as you want to sell, regardless of price groups.
  6. Press Select in the Select Location window. In the Seat Selection window, you can select the ticket type according to the Organizer's Pricing Policies, if one is selected for this event. Learn more about Pricing Policies. Pricing Policies. After pressing Select, the system will recalculate the total value of the selected seats. The selected seats are marked with a white circle on them .
  7. The number of selected seats is calculated in the right column of the screen.
  8. Press Sell.
  9. In the Sales Data window, you can see the name of the event, the date and time for which the cashier sale takes place. A voucher from the predefined ones for the organizer can be applied here. Learn more about Coupons. The selected seats are described, and their value is summed up. You can add or select a Client from your pre-entered database - search by name, phone, e-mail. You can leave a Note on the sale.
  10. Depending on the Customer's preferences or according to the organizer's internal rules for Cash-desk Sale - you can choose how the tickets will be provided: Individual Tickets - Each seat will be printed on a separate ticket; General Tickets– Seats will be grouped by row and sector.
  11. Press Sell.
  12. The system will send a "Reservation Confirmed" response with a unique sales identification code.
  13. Press Print to print selected ticket template at checkout. Learn more about adding an event.
  14. Press Finish.

When making a sale through the Online channel, the Customer's contact information is required by the system. When making a sale through the Cash-desk channel - collecting contact information for the Customer is among the priorities of a Cash-desk operator.


Seat reservation at the Cash-desk

  1. Make sure you are logged into your Entase account.
  2. Your public profile name is written in the upper left corner.
  3. Under it, in the Control Panel section, select Program.
  4. To reserve seats - select the button on the right to enter the Cash-desk Sale mode.
  5. Select the location that is chosen to be reserved using the mouse. Select consecutively as many seats as you wish to reserve. The number of selected seats is calculated in the right column of the screen.
  6. Press the yellow Save button on the right.
  7. In the Reserve Seats window, you can add notes about the current reservation and select a Symbol that will appear on the sketch place after pressing the Save button.
  8. The selected places are marked with a yellow circle on them .


Saving a seat


Clearing a seat